Using the Information Collected for Genetic Evaluation to Assess the French Ruminant and Equine Breeds' Genetic Variability


  • Coralie Danchin-Burge Institut de l''Elevage
  • L. François
  • D. Laloë
  • G. Leroy
  • E. Verrier


Genetic variability, Monitoring, Ruminants, Equids, Pedigree, Molecular information


In livestock species, selection programs are getting more and more efficient. Meanwhile, the development of new tools such as genomic selection will probably fasten how breeds are evolving. However, preserving the breeds’ genetic variability is a necessity. First of all, genetic progress is correlated with this factor. Also, a sharp increase in inbreeding in a breed might have a very negative impact on production and functional traits. Therefore, in order to achieve the sustainability of our selection choices for the future, the breeds’ genetic variability requires an accurate management. To do so, two type or data can be used to calculate variability genetic indicators: pedigrees and genotype data. These indicators can be used to monitor the impact of a main ancestor in a breed for instance. The VARUME (Genetic VARiability of Ruminants and Equids) project goal is to set up a genetic variability observatory for the Ruminants and Equids species. It will generate indicators that can assess breed genetic variability on a regular basis, by using a common method that will be acknowledged and used by all breed managers.


