Next-Level Genomic Selection: Mitigating Inbreeding



Analysis of 88,068 autosomal or X-linked SNPs in the ANAFIBJ Holstein genomic database including males and females showed declining SNP heterozygosity over time. In 1990, average SNP heterozygosity was 0.3620. During the pre-genomics period (1990-2010), the annual decline was -0.0003, reaching 0.3558 in 2010. However, in the genomics period (2010-2024), the average SNP heterozygosity declined to 0.3191 in 2024, with an annual decline of -0.0027, over 7 times higher than before. So far, this trend has been highly linear (R²=0.987), which would extrapolate (in the absence of other sources of genetic variation than selection and inbreeding) to result in a complete loss of genetic variation in ~130 years.

We developed measures to estimate genomic expected future inbreeding (Gefi) based on Runs-Of-Homozygosity (ROH). A comparison with CDCB genomic future inbreeding (GFI) based on the genomic relationship matrix (GRM) was done using 38,280 genotyped proven males covering 70 years (1951-2020), which resulted in a Pearson correlation of 0.959. The CDCB GRM G was computed as G = ZZ’/Σ2p(1 – p) using p=0.5. Gefi estimates had a mean of 6.9% with a standard deviation of 2.6%. Minimum Gefi was 0.1% and maximum was 15.3%. GFI estimates had a mean of 7.2% with a standard deviation of 2.6%. Minimum and maximum GFI were -3.1% and 13.5%. The correlation was quite high even though Gefi is an identity-by-descent (IBD) measure in the probability space of [0,1], whereas GFI measures identity-by-state (IBS) in the correlation space of [-1,1]. Comparison of the inbreeding depression across traits showed that the depression is largest on yield traits followed by contents, somatic cell score (SCS) and fertility at around 20% of the depression on yield traits.

ANAFIBJ aims to reduce the increase in future inbreeding by giving a premium to male and female animals which are less related to the recent population, while penalizing those that are more related.


Author Biographies

Christos Dadousis, University of Surrey

Department of Veterinary Science, University of Parma, 43126 Parma, Italy

School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom

Veterinary Health Innovation Engine, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Surrey, Guildford, United

Francesco Tiezzi, University of Florence

Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry, University of Florence, 50144 Florence, Italy

Martino Cassandro, Anafibj

Associazione Nazionale Allevatori della razza Frisona, Bruna e Jersey Italiana (ANAFIBJ), 26100 Cremona, Italy

Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural Resources, Animals and Environment, University of Padova, 35020 Legnaro, Italy


